Andarine (S4) 10mg / tab 50 tabs

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S4 (Andarine) or Acetamidoxolutamide, is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). S4 is said to be the most potent SARM which helps sustain lean muscle mass while stimulating fat elimination at the same time. Today, we’ll take a closer look on everything there is to know about S4.

What is S4?

To start, let’s describe what a SARM does. There are three type of chemicals that act on the androgen receptor (AR). One is the an AR antagonist, which is a chemical that binds to the receptor to prevent it from activating. The second is an AR agonist, which binds to the receptor and detaches, then binds again, over and over. An example of an AR agonist is testosterone, each time the AR is bonded with testosterone, a signal is sent out to activate a particular set of genes. The more testosterone that is in the system, the more AR binding will occur. The third is an AR modulator, or basically a molecule that attaches to an AR and changes its structure to react however it wants.

How S4 Works

A SARM such as S-4 is a good example. S-4 attaches to the AR and sticks to it; each time the AR interacts with testosterone, S-4 forces it to produce genes that exclusively benefit muscle and bone growth. In other words, S4 is a form of SARM that attaches to the androgen receptor (AR) the same with regular androgens, the only variation is that S4 generates selective anabolic activity.